We crave connection. Real person to person connection. We get so bombarded each day with commercials and ads.
All expecting us to hand over our hard earned money without ever actually connecting with us.
Women, especially, do business based on emotion, rather than logic. Touch her heart and she will practically throw money at you. OK, not literally, but pretty close. More importantly, she will want to support you and help you and can become a fantastic source for lead generation without you ever having to ask.
Last week, I felt compelled to drop a short note to my business coach who has profoundly impacted my life. I don't know why, but I'm glad I did. You don't know when what seems to you to be a tiny gesture could mean the world to the person standing next to you or waiting by the phone or sitting at their computer.This was her response:
2. Be authentic!

3. When you are making a person to person connection, CONNECT!
One of the greatest compliments I ever received was from a friend that told me she never feels so truly heard as when she speaks with me.
Have you ever been talking to someone and you can see them looking over your shoulder? Have you ever found yourself formulating your response before that other person completes their thought?
This includes when you are on social media. Complete your thought, your whole thought with the other person in mind, leaving your agenda at the door.
Remember, touch her heart and she will practically throw money at you.
Feed that craving with our supportive live and online networking community.
My favorite part is "Have you ever been talking to someone and you can see them looking over your shoulder? Have you ever found yourself formulating your response before that other person completes their thought? A constant reminder to hear each client as an individual.
ReplyDeleteJohn Scardina
Great reminder that on the other ends of those screens are people who desire... NO CRAVE to be connected to one another. So, if you want more clients or to sell your services, the name of the game is to connect, connect, CONNECT! ~ :)
ReplyDeleteThis is so true... real engagement is why we're here, isn't it? : ))
ReplyDeleteYes to connection! That is the heart of everything including business!
ReplyDeleteGREAT reminder to really focus on connecting with people! Also loved your tip of sharing online.
ReplyDeleteAuthenticity is crucial in today's era. Knowledge is everywhere and one moment of inauthenticity will send you back to a icky place.
ReplyDeleteThank you so much for this post. Connecting with others and informing them on how they have inspired you or helped in some way is so important. Im sure it would make the other person's day. Authentic relationships are so valuable.
ReplyDeleteGreat Post
Love & Light
This is a great post. So many people simply just don't listen. Being receptive is so important, and engaging with others. I love how you contacted your business coach, I have been on the receiving end of that kind of thing as well as the giving. It feels so good (both sides) that it's nice to have a reminder.
ReplyDeleteI love the tell them principle. Most people hold back compliments. I am not exactly sure why. That's for the reminder. I will do that more often too. Authenticity is necessary and building intentional connections always builds better relationships. Good article.
ReplyDeletethank you this was a great reminder and gentle, kind tools for being actively listening and present.