I love the songs that talk about the ability to be better selves than we normally are and the dream to keep that better self when the season ends.

If our kindness
This day is just pretending
If we pretend long enough
Never giving up
It just might be who we are
So tell me Christmas, are we kind
More this day than any other day
Or is it only, in our minds?
And must it leave when you have gone away?
Do you see better in yourself or others this time of year? Are you more thoughtful, more generous, more loving?
Is your heart just a little more open? Do you consider dreams and possibilities you wouldn't the rest of the year?
Before the season of wishes and dreams comes to an end,
before we take a look back and reflect how things have gone or are going, set goals and resolutions and look forward to a brighter 2015 than 2014 was in some way.
For just a minute, surrender to a childhood version of yourself.
Without censoring yourself, or thinking about resources or reality or how far it is from here to there, what would you wish for in 2015?
What would you dream? If there were no obstacles, no barriers, and absolutely ANYTHING was possible, what would you want?
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