Friday, June 20, 2014

I wasn't always this way...

Many of you have heard the story of how I became an "entrepreneur", but for those of you that havent...

My life changed when my husband was laid off in 2005 from a corporate job that had made him so depressed he was a completely different person.
We likened the layoff to when a loved one has been really sick for a long time, and they pass away. It's sad, but it's really a relief that the suffering is over.
We decided it was our last best opportunity for him to pursue his life long dream rather than go back to doing what he hated somewhere else.
We took a huge leap and walked away from a 70K+ income and invested another 70K+ in the additional training he needed.
We decided we didn't need to suffer any more.
My husband's happiness was more important than his income or our lifestyle. I didn't know how, but I knew I'd do anything to work it out.
So I started my business alongside my corporate position to supplement our income. I found in helping my husband make his dream come true, I not only found a dream I didn't even know I had, but I figured out that life is supposed to be good and happy.
Every day.

We learned that it is truly never too late to bring your dream to life. At 43 years of age, my husband got hired as a commercial airline pilot!

We learned that anything really is possible!

And we've figured out that life is about each day, making the most of who we are, where we are and most importantly who we are with.

It turns out it wasn't just me experiencing this - we all get so busy living life, that we forget to Live Life.